Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Taking Control of Pesky Kitchen Gnats

I'm not sure if it is the weather or if I just cook things that smell too awesome, but even if my entire kitchen is spotless I have a couple of gnats buzzing around. I've cleaned everything I can imagine would attract them, kept little to no dirty dishes in the sink, and put all of my fruit in the fridge, but still they buzz. The only thing that seems to work is killing them, but I don't want to sit around with a fly swatter all day hunting for them. So I tried this simple trick and trust me IT WORKS! It doesn't get rid of the problem (I think we will need professional help for that) but it does kill them without taking up more than a minute of your time!

All you need is:
- A Cup/Mug/Glass/Container
- Some Apple Cider Vinegar
- A drop of Dish Washing Liquid

Just fill your cup about halfway with the Apple Cider Vinegar add a drop or two of Dish Washing Liquid and set it on your counter. After a few hours....

Those tiny dots you see are gnats!!
VOILA. You have killed at least some of your problem... the only down side is the smell of Apple Cider Vinegar BUT if you keep it at half a cup the smell isn't very strong and won't drive you nuts. Happy Gnat Hunting!!

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