Thursday, July 5, 2012

Melted Chocolate Cookie Cutter Shapes

Here is a great idea for theme birthday party treats or even cake decorating. Its very simple but can make a big impact!

4th of July Cake
These chocolate shapes are really easy to make but can take a cake to the next level. All you need is your favorite type of chocolate chips or bar and a few baking supplies.

You will need a microwave safe bowl, spatula, cookie cutters and a bakers sheet. The food coloring is optional, and only effective if you are using white chocolate.

Chocolate chips will only take about a minute to melt in the microwave, just be careful not to burn them. The chips will retain their shape but as soon as you begin to stir them they will have an even consistency.

After you grease your cookie pan place your cookie cutters on the pan. Scoop a layer of chocolate out into the cutters and just shake the shapes a bit to even them out. This part needs to be done quickly before the chocolate hardens. It is very difficult to remelt the chips without burning them.

At this point I had attempted to add some icing coloring to the mixture, it ended up ruining the entire batch so I would advise against doing that. This is what happened.

After the chocolate has re-hardened you can paint on the icing coloring. If you need to speed things up you can pop them in the freezer and they will be hardened in about 5 minutes or less.

I used some cling wrap to create the marbled effect since I was not a fan of the streaks.

Hope you enjoy this tutorial, and maybe it will inspire some creativity of your own!

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