About the Blogger

About Madison: Creator of At Home Heroine

I am a measure the first time and never again chef, an overly ambitious painter/crafter, a wannabe photographer, a confirmed procrastinator, and a huge sci-fi geek. I am overly interested in mundane tasks such as running a household, coming up with new recipes, and living a healthier lifestyle. This blog is a collection of things I have learned/created from personal experience and also from the Internet. Anytime I feel the need to make something in my life simpler or more fulfilling I think to myself "I should share this with everyone". So here it is, all my best ideas and findings laid out in a blog for other enthusiasts of the mundane to read and enjoy!!


This policy is valid from 04 June 2012

 This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact  Madison at hgmaddhatter@gmail.com.

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