Thursday, July 5, 2012

Homemade Dog Biscuits

This recipe is very simple and most of the ingredients are things you probably have in your pantry right now. My dogs can't seem to get enough of them either. There is a condensed version of the recipe and instructions at the bottom of the post.

First gather your ingredients and preheat the oven to 325 Degrees:

Rolled Oats, Butter, 1 Cup Water, Corn Meal, Sugar, Milk, Cheese, Egg and Flour

Melt the 3 Tblsp of butter and combine with 1 Egg, 1 Cup Hot Water, and 1/2 Cup Milk, then whisk together. Measure out 1 Cup Rolled Oats, 3/4 Cup Corn Meal (I used corn muffin mix), 2 Tsp Sugar, 1 Cup Shredded Cheese and 3 Cups AP Flour.

After you form a loose ball of dough, prep your cutting board or pastry board to roll out the dough. Sprinkle a bit of flour over the surface to prevent sticking as well as some extra flour on the top of the dough ball. Roll out until your desired thickness, I kept mine around 1/2 inch since I have a medium sized dog and a puppy. For larger dogs you could make them thicker or vice versa for smaller dogs. 

(Hint:  If you don't have a Rolling Pin, you can cover the dough with cling wrap or wax paper and use a can or jar to roll out the dough.)

I found some dog shaped cookie cutters at Wal-Mart for less than $3, so I cut the biscuits into your typical bone shape, but you could just use a Pizza Cutter and make bars/strips. Once you have prepped your cookie sheet with cooking spray, bake at 325 Degrees for at least 30 Minutes. If you're biscuits are thicker than 1/2 inch they will need up to 45 Minutes.

You could add dissolved beef or chicken bouillon cubes, or even chopped up beef jerky bits for some different flavor ideas. I hope your puppies enjoy them as much as mine did.

Homemade Cheese Flavored Dog Biscuits

- 1 Cup Rolled Oats
- 3 Tablespoons Butter
- 1 Cup Hot Water
- 3/4 Cup Corn Meal
- 2 Teaspoons Sugar
- 1/2 Cup Milk
- 1 Cup Shredded Cheese
- 1 Egg
- 3 Cups Flour

Step One:
Combine 3 Tblsp melted butter, 1 Cup Hot Water, 1/2 Cup Milk, and 1 Egg, then whisk together. Then add your dry ingredients and shape them into a loose ball.

Step Two:
Roll out your dough to around 1/2 inch thick. After cutting into shape or bars, place on greased baking pan and bake at 325 Degrees for 35-45 minuted until browned and crisp.

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